10 Weird and Strange Syndromes

When we get ill, majority of us think this is the worst illness we’re going through RIGHT? I used to think this way too before finding about many of the weird syndromes that have to live with throughout their lives. And the sad part is that most of the syndromes have NO CURE AT ALL!

Is everything made of numbers?

when Albert Einstein finally completed his general theory of relativity in 1916, he looked down at the equations and discovered an unexpected message: the universe is expanding.

10 Ways to Lose Calories without Exercising

Infomercials bombard us every day with techniques to lose weight fast . But many of us actually shun the idea of losing weight without much effort. However there are ways of losing weight without being a total gym bunny. All you have to do is make a few changes in your lifestyle.

Top 10 Creepy Girls in Fiction

A recent trend in media is the idea that children are scary or creepy. Girls seem to be particularly popular – from pale-faced, stringy-haired ghosts to demonically possessed victims, creepy girls are becoming a common feature in horror films and other genres. This list covers ten creepy girls who have appeared in films, TV and video games in the past thirty or so years, to frighten or fascinate audiences. Most can be terrifying but have a sense of sympathy to them, or some are just unstoppable creatures of evil wanting to rip the world apart.

10 Tragic Prison and Asylum Fires

While fire is something that has proven to be something very useful to mankind over the years being one of the greatest discoveries, it is potentially a hazard. It’s like a caged demon waiting to be set free so it can render everything to dust and ashes. There have been many dangerous fires throughout our history and has taken many lives but that’s just because of carelessness and well, nature did have a role in forest fires too. Anyway, this list talks about cruel fires in different prisons and asylums throughout the world. Tragic as it may sound, it still holds true. I hope this particular list proves useful and educative to you folks.

Monday, October 8, 2012

10 Oldest Trees in the World

Trees are among the oldest living beings on earth. There are a number of trees which are more than a millennium old and there may be a long list of those which are not even discovered yet. Trees do not grow like humans. Their thousand year old parts grow with the same speed as the new ones. One of the reasons for this long age is the transport system inside their body which helps fight the decay and bacterial attack.
Below is the list of 10 oldest trees in the world. The older the trees, the prettier they are.

A 4800 years old Great Basin Bristle-cone pine tree located in Methuselah alley, Navada. The tree could have been the longest but I had to be cut down in 1964 due to some problems.
Sarv-e-Abarkooh is a 4,000 years old cypress tree located in Iran. Also known as Zoroastrian Sarv. Iranis have different religious believes regarding this tree.
Llangernyw Yew
The ancient most Yew tree located in Wales. They are commonly found at cemeteries but this one is HUGE.
This kind of trees are known to be in the world for over 35 million years. The oldest one left is 3600 years old. The wood of this kind of trees was so valuable for the local people that they used roof shingles made from these trees as money.
The Senator
The Bald Cypress known as ‘The Senator’ which is believed to be 3,400 to 3,500 years old. After being measure by Native Tree Society, it was of 5,100 cubic feet and longest of its kind.
Patriarca de Floresta
Also known as ‘Patriarca de Floresta’ tree of Brazil. One of the biggest trees in Atlantic Forest. It is said to be almost 3000 years old.
Known as the ‘Alishan Sacred Tree’ in Taiwan. It is really sacred for the Buddhists living in Taiwan and It is believed to be 3000 years old. Measured height is 55-60 meters.
Old Chestnut
Tree of 100 Horses
Knows as ‘Tree of 100 Horses’ and the oldest Chestnut tree in the world is located in San D’Alfio, Linguaglossa road in Sicily. It is thought to be 2000 – 4000 years old.
General Sherman
Known to be the largest tree in the world by wood volume, with 275 ft tall and 102ft in circumference. It can be found in Sequoia National Park. It is said to be 2300 – 2700 years old.
Located in Yakushima , Japan. This tree is belived to be the oldest one in the world with 16.4 girth and the trunk being too rotten.

Source: listphobia.com

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Is everything made of numbers?

when Albert Einstein finally completed his general theory of relativity in 1916, he looked down at the equations and discovered an unexpected message: the universe is expanding.
Einstein didn't believe the physical universe could shrink or grow, so he ignored what the equations were telling him. Thirteen years later, Edwin Hubble found clear evidence of the universe's expansion. Einstein had missed the opportunity to make the most dramatic scientific prediction in history.
How did Einstein's equations "know" that the universe was expanding when he did not? If mathematics is nothing more than a language we use to describe the world, an invention of the human brain, how can it possibly churn out anything beyond what we put in? "It is difficult to avoid the impression that a miracle confronts us here," wrote physicist Eugene Wigner in his classic 1960 paper "The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences"(Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol 13, p 1).
The prescience of mathematics seems no less miraculous today. At the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, physicists recently observed the fingerprints of a particle that was arguably discovered 48 years ago lurking in the equations of particle physics.
How is it possible that mathematics "knows" about Higgs particles or any other feature of physical reality? "Maybe it's because math is reality," says physicist Brian Greene of Columbia University, New York. Perhaps if we dig deep enough, we would find that physical objects like tables and chairs are ultimately not made of particles or strings, but of numbers.
"These are very difficult issues," says philosopher of science James Ladyman of the University of Bristol, UK, "but it might be less misleading to say that the universe is made of maths than to say it is made of matter."
Difficult indeed. What does it mean to say that the universe is "made of mathematics"? An obvious starting point is to ask what mathematics is made of. The late physicist John Wheeler said that the "basis of all mathematics is 0 = 0". All mathematical structures can be derived from something called "the empty set", the set that contains no elements. Say this set corresponds to zero; you can then define the number 1 as the set that contains only the empty set, 2 as the set containing the sets corresponding to 0 and 1, and so on. Keep nesting the nothingness like invisible Russian dolls and eventually all of mathematics appears. Mathematician Ian Stewart of the University of Warwick, UK, calls this "the dreadful secret of mathematics: it's all based on nothing" (New Scientist, 19 November 2011, p 44). Reality may come down to mathematics, but mathematics comes down to nothing at all.
That may be the ultimate clue to existence - after all, a universe made of nothing doesn't require an explanation. Indeed, mathematical structures don't seem to require a physical origin at all. "A dodecahedron was never created," says Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "To be created, something first has to not exist in space or time and then exist." A dodecahedron doesn't exist in space or time at all, he says - it exists independently of them. "Space and time themselves are contained within larger mathematical structures," he adds. These structures just exist; they can't be created or destroyed.
That raises a big question: why is the universe only made of some of the available mathematics? "There's a lot of math out there," Greene says. "Today only a tiny sliver of it has a realisation in the physical world. Pull any math book off the shelf and most of the equations in it don't correspond to any physical object or physical process."
It is true that seemingly arcane and unphysical mathematics does, sometimes, turn out to correspond to the real world. Imaginary numbers, for instance, were once considered totally deserving of their name, but are now used to describe the behaviour of elementary particles; non-Euclidean geometry eventually showed up as gravity. Even so, these phenomena represent a tiny slice of all the mathematics out there.
Not so fast, says Tegmark. "I believe that physical existence and mathematical existence are the same, so any structure that exists mathematically is also real," he says.
So what about the mathematics our universe doesn't use? "Other mathematical structures correspond to other universes," Tegmark says. He calls this the "level 4 multiverse", and it is far stranger than the multiverses that cosmologists often discuss. Their common-or-garden multiverses are governed by the same basic mathematical rules as our universe, but Tegmark's level 4 multiverse operates with completely different mathematics.
All of this sounds bizarre, but the hypothesis that physical reality is fundamentally mathematical has passed every test. "If physics hits a roadblock at which point it turns out that it's impossible to proceed, we might find that nature can't be captured mathematically," Tegmark says. "But it's really remarkable that that hasn't happened. Galileo said that the book of nature was written in the language of mathematics - and that was 400 years ago."
If reality isn't, at bottom, mathematics, what is it? "Maybe someday we'll encounter an alien civilisation and we'll show them what we've discovered about the universe," Greene says. "They'll say, 'Ah, math. We tried that. It only takes you so far. Here's the real thing.' What would that be? It's hard to imagine. Our understanding of fundamental reality is at an early stage."

10 Ways to Control your Dreams

Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not yet understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology. Throughout history, people have sought meaning in dreams or divination through dreams. Dreams have also been described physiologically as a response to neural processes during sleep; psychologically as reflections of the subconscious; and spiritually as messages from gods, the deceased, predictions of the future, or from the Soul. Many cultures practice dream incubation with the intention of cultivating dreams that are prophetic or contain messages from the divine. Recent studies indicate that dreams could be controlled by a learning response. Just imagine that for an instant. It looks feels and sounds exactly the same as ‘normal’ reality, except that you know that it isn’t. You know that you are perfectly safe; you cannot die or get injured, that is Lucid Dreaming. There are no normal rules and regulations about what you get up to! It is truly your own ‘Individual Virtual Reality’, with a depth of realism far beyond the most sophisticated computer imitation. Let’s see how.

10. Motivation & Set the Intention

Lucid Dreaming is the ability to have vivid self-awareness while dreaming. On entering this scientifically proven state of heightened consciousness, you can experience and control your dreams with surprising richness and intensity. Imagine waking up in your dreams with the ability to do anything, meet anyone, go anywhere… and all in vivid detail with your five senses fully alive. It is an exhilarating experience where all your dreams vividly come true. Everybody has the capacity to learn how to have lucid dreams – it just takes motivation and practice. The more skilled you become at meditation and entering altered states of awareness on demand, the easier it is to go lucid at will. And once you make the decision to become conscious in your dreams, it has the potential to completely change your relationship with your inner self forever.

9. Your Sleep Posture and Relaxation

Close your eyes and lie on your back. Take three deep breaths in and out. Feel your body sinking into the bed, and let go of all the tension in your muscles. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation, and focus on your intention to control your dreams. Allow any thoughts to pass you by, without interacting with them. Keep your body totally relaxed and still. Repeat over in your mind: “One. The next scene will be a dream. Two. The next scene will be a dream. Three…” etc. This will set your intention and keep your mind alert while your body slowly drifts back to sleep.
You can have more success with certain sleep postures over others. Best would be the common fetal position (on side, with knees and elbows tucked in) as well as flat on back. It can be strange to be walking around in a lucid dream one moment, then lying curled up in bed the next. Sometimes you even wake yourself up because you’ve moved your arm in the lucid dream and accidentally triggered real life arm to move and hit the bed. This can be disorienting and cause a sudden shift in awareness from one body to the next, but if you stay still and close  eyes again, you can often return to the same lucid dream from the exact same place you left off.

8. Spontaneous Lucidity

10 Most Dangerous Insects

It might not be the most tasteful of topics, especially after all the travelling we have been discussing, but I felt an urgent need to discuss this. I physically hate insects and I am sure you folks share the same feeling. This time around, we will be discussing ten fatally dangerous insects. You should know that there are around 900,000 different insects around the world. Please do not confuse these insects as being the deadliest animals, because that is a completely different category. It is just sad and really scary that something this small can actually kill you so when you encounter one of these bugs, be careful. I hope this list proves educative. Enjoy the read!


Their scientific name is Scutigera Coleoptrata. They originate from the Mediterranean and it is a very common bug. They look really weird, but they are actually good because they eat other insects and even some spiders. They are responsible for many deaths every year. Their bite will not hurt a normal person, but if you are allergic to the venom they produce, then you will be in serious trouble. These tiny things bite rarely, but it is never too bad to be careful now is it?


Locusts - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
They are from the family of grasshoppers. They are not that deadly to humans really. They feed on plants and crops. They attack in swarms of several thousand insects. They are not trouble to humans in terms of death, but they do pose a financial threat considering the fact that they destroy millions of acres worth of crop ever year. They can also case plague. Locusts were the eighth during the Plagues of Egypt.


If you are stung by the bite of this thing, it is probably okay. You will not require a doctor or any treatment for that matter. It is said, however, that the young and old are very susceptible to a Siafu’s bite. It causes around 20 to 50 deaths every year. They will probably not bother you much, but if you destroy their colony or bug it, you are in for some trouble. They are very similar to ants and they live in colonies of around 20 million ants. These ants also have very strong jaws (just an added piece of information).


Wasps and bees are something you will find absolutely anywhere. Anywhere with flowers, or anywhere it smell sweet. If you are not allergic to a wasp sting, then it is okay but if it is otherwise, then you have a problem. Around 53 people die to wasps because of allergic reactions to their sting. People with allergies need to stay clear because if you are stung you can go into anaphylactic shock and then can lead you to die.


Giant Hornet - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
You probably did see a hornet at least once in your life. They don’t seem that scary because they are usually not that big. But the Asian Giant Hornet is on a whole other level. It has a wing span of three inches and is around 2 inches in length. The mere sting is 1/4th of an inch. Around 70 people die every year because of these things. Their venom can damage soft tissue, cause discomfort and produce an odor that will attract other giant hornets. I would not want to be near one, ever.


Fire Ants - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
They are usually found in sand or soil. They feed on plants, crickets and other smaller insects. Their sting is very venomous and you can’t just provoke them and get away without a bite. Their sting feels like that particular body part is on fire which earns them their name as well. A few small stings from these insects can be cured, but if you are swarmed by a huge group of Fire Ants, chances are you will not live. They cause around 150 deaths every day and since they feed on plants, they destroy crops and cause damages worth millions of dollars.


Tse Tse Fly - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
These tiny guys feed on blood and that’s how they spread the disease by the name of trypanosomiases in humans. They bite you and pass it on through their mouths. These flies live in Africa and they kill around 250 to 300 thousand victims in a year. The disease they transmit is known as the Sleeping Sickness and it if is not treated immediately or timely, you necessary bodily functions will stop working and it is pretty much Game Over. There are around 34 different species of these flies and they look just like normal houseflies, so be careful and be careful again.


Bees - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
This is what you need to know about your everyday bee. They will not feel the need to sting you if you let them be. Unless you do something really stupid such as throwing a rock at their hive, they will not bother you. Besides, the poor things die once they sting. But the Africanized or Killer Bees, they are they are the problem. They will swarm over their victims in huge numbers and sting him/her/it to death. That happens with the slightest provocation. Stare at their nest and shout out, see what happens. Although, I would really advise you not to.


Rat Fleas - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
Fleas are no bigger than your nail but they do carry harmful and at times, fatal, germs. Most famous one of those is the Yersinia Pestis Bacteria. This particular bacterium has been causing death in Europe since the fourteenth century and is known as ‘Black Death’. It killed nearly 350 to 375 million people between the years 1348 and 1350 (YES, two years). You can find fleas in a dog or a cat but none of those are as deadly as the fleas found on a rat. They are so very small (1/6th or 1/8th of an inch) and can still cause millions to die.


Anopheles Mosquito - Ten Most Dangerous Insects
I hate mosquitos, they are irritating, they buzz and they cause irritation. Besides, they feed on blood and that’s more than enough reason for me. They are disgusting and they lay eggs on stagnant waters. That can be handled; the problem arises when you come across a disease-carrying mosquito. They can cause you serious illness and in some cases death. The most common virus carried by these mosquitoes is Malaria and now another disease is coming up called ‘Dengue’. Please protect yourself from these mosquitos.

Source: smashinglists